How It Works
Sign a NDA
Firstly, we sign a non-disclosure agreement with your organization. Download Here for the sample NDA document.
You submit your recipes to us in a specified format shared with you in an excel file.
Submit Your Recipes
We import these recipes into our software and generate the reports which are then shared back to you in a secured PDF format.
Download our Sample Nutritional Analysis report from here.
Download our Sample Climate Footprint Analysis report from here.
We can process up to 1000 recipes a day with our bulk import method.
Get Your Reports
It can take anywhere between 3 – 4 working days to generate and share the Nutritional Analysis results with you. For the climate footprint analysis result it might take anywhere between 8 – 10 working days as this requires more in-depth calculations. We might also ask you for any additional information that might be required. We’d like to go as granular as possible with our calculations covering agriculture, transportation, storage, cooking time and cooking methods of all the ingredients.
The more accurate and detailed data we get from you the better the analysis. Our aim is to give you the best report possible. So, sit back, relax after you submit the data and resume with your day-to-day restaurant operations, leave the analysis part to us. Use our reports to label your menu and help your customers make healthier food choices.